Saturday, May 06, 2006

Valley Dairy, Wells Fargo eye southern Grand Forks intersection

It looks like an intersection in the far southern part of Grand Forks is going to be seeing plenty of development soon. This coming Monday, the city council will be asked to approve a host of projects which will extend utilities to the Meadow Ridge 1st Addition near the corner of South Washington Street and 47th Avenue South. The council's information packet mentions that these projects are being initiated by the developer, Valdak Corporation. Valdak is the owner of the Valley Dairy chain in Grand Forks, so I expect that this means we'll be seeing a new Valley Dairy in that part of the city soon. Also, this intersection is apparently getting a Wells Fargo bank in the near future. This intersection is near the Stadter Center medical complex which is currently seeing major expansion. It seems like more businesses moving into this area will create the synergy needed to encourage more commercial and residential growth in this neighborhood. Expect to see even more commercial development (stores, restaurants, etc.) between 32nd Avenue South and 47th Avenue South in the near future. Keep your eye on Grand Forks Life for further updates!


GrandForksGuy said...

JGS, I agree that there would never be two Valley Dairy stores this close together. I'm guessing the one on 36th Avenue South might be closing and replaced with a more modern and more visible structure at Washington/47th. At one point, Valley Dairy was interested in purchasing the old Water World property adjacent to their 36th Avenue store and expanding their gas station onto that land, but later changed their mind. My guess is that they decided to not expand that location and instead look at a totally new building a few blocks farther south. Guess we'll find out soon enough.

Anonymous said...

Ahh yes, Valley Dairy and Hugos the two monolpolies in Grand Forks.

Anonymous said...

Why complain about Valley Dairy? Simonsons sets the outrageous gas prices we have to pay. Would that be called price fixing in the real world?

Anonymous said...

You make no sense. It wouldn't matter who "set" the prices if no one followed, especially the largest gas station in the Grand Cities. There is only 3 Simonsons.

Anonymous said...

When the Emerado SuperPumper was first opened, their gas was a nickel or so less than GF.

The owner received a phone call that said to either get his price up with the GF stations or he'll get the gas war to end all gas wars and possibly go out of business. Since the owner was pretty much deep in debt . . . . . .

Anonymous said...

Hugos: another reason why Fargo's cost of living is cheaper.

From CNN Money's cost of living calculator GF vs Fargo.

Groceries will cost: 6.974% lower in Fargo.

All Hail GF's SuperWalmart.

GrandForksGuy said...

I've shopped in Fargo's Hornbachers stores a few times and their prices have never seemed less than Hugos. Actually, I have checked the prices of a couple of items in Hornbachers and they were higher than in our Hugo's stores. However, I agree that Wal-Mart will have the cheapest groceries in town when they open this fall.

Eric J. Burton said...

That is all I need more traffic in the south end of town. I wonder if they will put up a traffic light on 47th and South Washington.

Yikes more traffic in my end of town.