Friday, September 21, 2007

Open Thread #44

It's a little early to already start another open thread, but I think it is required when the last one has way over 120 comments. Feel free to continue in Open Thread #43 if you still want to talk about ongoing discussions there or feel free to move your discussions over into this new thread. You people love these open threads more all the time, don't you?


Anonymous said...

anyone else think Tom Bunning is a scape goat for UND alumni?

Anonymous said...

Such are the consequences when the guys with deep pockets want more than a thanks for the big checks they write. It'll even be worse when UND goes D I. Watch the revolving door of coaches when UND is habitually losing to the big teams. Roebuck will probably be the first to go. Remember Gasparini? NCAA championships couldn't save him.

Anonymous said...

The example you sighted is almost the opposite of the Buning situation. After 1987, Gasparini's teams became mediocre. Gino only lasted because he was popular with the "big guys": he should have been moved on years before. It took Blais to get UND hockey back on track.

Change isn't always bad.

Anonymous said...

I think the whole problem here is the way UND is handling the Buning thing... either he's in or he's out... just be honest about it, so the guy's name can stop being drug through the mud.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Superb concert at the Empire tonight: Dick King's band at their best.

Okay---there were lots of grey heads there, but even the young people who frequent this blog would enjoy the swing music.

Grand Forks is alive with music offerings this weekend...something for everyone!

river man said...

I live just north of downtown and would of loved to go the concert only if I knew about it, had the money (I'm dirt poor), and had the time (In the middle of looking for a 2nd job to supplement my income so I wouldn't be dirt poor).

Anonymous said...

The concert was basically free.
True, there was a basket for free will, but you didn't have to contribute.

The King orchestra was outstanding, better than usual.

Matt BK said...

Apparently a lot of people missed this one - neither Campus Dakota nor mattfacingsouth had Dick King's band listed as playing last night.

Really, as a favor to the rest of us, if you hear of something going on musically, try and let the rest of us know about it. Something always seems to fall through the cracks.

Anonymous said...

Don't be naive about the Buning incident. UND handled it poorly, but the reason he was suspended/resigned/fired was his alcholism.

Anonymous said...

To the anon above-

I suggest you back up your claim of alcoholism with facts otherwise it is nothing more than unsubstantiated rumor and inuendo. Even if you did have hard evidence it is not relevant in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Wow, alcoholism not relevant ! Even if there is hard evidence ? Most blogs are rumor : was Buning fired, suspended, or resigned because of drinking ? A good explanation or theory ? Having been a counselor and given Rule 25 Alcoholism Assessments it is a big deal. Leave of absence for 4 weeks ? Could be 30 dys treatment at Betty Ford ? anon.

Anonymous said...

I obviously did not mean that alcoholism the disease was not relevant. I meant that if alcoholism was the reason for his leave of absence then that is his business and no one elses. I was trying to point out the fact that the poster is throwing out alcoholism as the reason for the leave. Does he have facts to prove that or is he just taking a wild ass guess that the Bunning is a "drunk" to stir up controversy?

Anonymous said...

My sister and her cohorts cited meetings where he showed up 'tipsy' with the smell of alcohol on his breath.

Anonymous said...

Well there it is, he was "tipsy" and again his push ups were embarrassing. Concrete proof of something. anon.

Anonymous said...

I think Phil Harmeson is putting the squeeze on Buning so he can bring in an AD from the good ol' boys club.

Anonymous said...

Showing up repeatedly at meetings with alcohol on your breath isn't good enough for ya?

What if your employee was drinking on the job? (And, no, these weren't lunch or dinner meetings.)

Anonymous said...

So, even if he wan't "drunk" on the job, but was "drinking" on the job, wouldn't that be a good reason for a "suspension", "leave of absence", etc. I think UND handled this the only way they could have, by giving him a chance to make things right.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else read that Tom Szymanski and KVLY parted ways last night. Any scoop on what happened?

Anonymous said...

Too Tall was Too Boozy.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that WDAZ may hire Tom and two others as their own weather team which would replace the recordings of John Wheeler, Rob Kupec, and Daryl Ritchison recording from WDAY in Fargo for WDAZ.

Anonymous said...

I'll believe that rumor when I see it.

Anonymous said...

That would be great if WDAZ hired Tom, the Randy Moss or Terrell Owens of the meteorological world!

Anonymous said...

Because of Tom, some useful information was lost from my brain forever and replaced with "below the donut".

Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to see what happened...Was Tom fired because of his rumored excess drinking, or is he taking a position elsewhere?
He is one of the most recognized figures in the Red River Valley, and one can assume that translated into ratings.

I don't understand how ANY meteorologist justifies a paycheck, but as a viewer, Tom was at least the most entertaining of the Fargo bunch. Yeah, over the top 115% of the time, but if anyone in the Fargo market could lie about what the weather was going to do, at least Szymanski did it with some style.

God forbid I gotta start watching Wheeler or *retch* Kip Hines...
I'd like to hope that neither Tom nor his family members are seriously ill...

Anonymous said...

"I don't understand how ANY meteorologist justifies a paycheck"

Let'see does Northwood come to mind...because of excellent warnings issued by meteorologists only one person died, and that person choose to ride out the storm in his mobile home. One loss is too many, but way more would have been killed without any advance warnings.

Dan NWS Grand Forks

Anonymous said...

"I don't understand how ANY meteorologist justifies a paycheck"

You're an idiot. Meteorologists are some of the best educated people out there, not to mention they watch over your ungrateful ass when tornadoes form out of nowhere, as Dan pointed out. Meteorologists do a lot more than just stand in front of a map and point at cold fronts, maybe you should show a little more respect to such an important profession.

Still Fighting It said...

I agree wholeheartedly with the last two posters. Meteorology is one of those professions that people easily take for granted. Think about all the things that go into weather and they're usually really close to being right almost all the time. That's good enough in my book - to demand perfection from a field that makes order out of so much chaos takes a neurotic mind at best.

Also - think about all the government programs that really suck. The NOAA and NWS are simply not organizations that are bloated and have substandard performance - in fact it is exactly the opposite, IMO.

I think what the person complaining is getting on about are the on-camera meteorologists - or weathermen/women - that populate the small-market media outlets. They seem to be a different breed entirely. I wouldn't put them anywhere near the level of a real meterologist, save for a select few here and there.

Anonymous said...

Thanks mattfacingsouth and others....I am sure poster who said that wasnt talking about all mets.... I have seen some on TV that indeed leave something to be desired. Many smaller markets do not have "true" meteorologists doing the weather....those with broadcast experience who can do a good job on camera but knowledge of weather is minimal. I know John Wheeler and Daryl Richardson are very good and know their stuff....I havent watched Kip enough and Nick at KVLY has been around a long time and thru experience has learned about our area weather. One thing to remember by all is that when watching TV remember where the broadcast is coming from...a 5 day forecast shown on broadcast TV shows temps and weather for Fargo and should not be used if you live in say Hallock...Baudette or Langdon as we all know it is usually quite different temp wise between the two areas. The first 48 hours most stations do a good job in showing temp differences among cities in the viewing area...but days 3 thru 7 focus on that one number is Fargo. So that could easily explain how someone from Hallock seeing a forecast of 75 for next Saturday thinks the weather forecaster was wrong when it is only 55 there.

Anonymous said...

Finally, some real North Dakota subject being talked about: the weather!!


Anonymous said...

Anyone else notice the work being done on Gateway drive on the west end of town. There is some sort of work being done in front of the RDO Truck Center, could this possible be the "Welcome to Grand Forks" sign. Also I see they painted the wall that surrounds the junk yards.

Anonymous said...

anyone know what happened to Sue Dvorack at Altru?

Anonymous said...

Anyone remember who the weather guy was before Tom on KVLY? It has been driving me crazy.

Anonymous said...

Who the heck is Sue Dvorak?

Is she someone we should erect a monument for, too?

Anonymous said...

I am appalled that KVLY-TV has let go one of their most-prized possessions -- Tom Szymanski! What I don't understand is how KVLY-TV is stating it was the company (Hoak Media from Texas) that demanded they need a new look? How does a company from Texas conduct such a hostile take-over from local management in deciding what is best for the station? I think most of the ratings KVLY receives is because of Tom and his enthusiasm on-air (albeit a bit overboard!), but that pales in comparison to the less-lively personalities on the other three stations.

On another note about TV meteorologists, most of the ones you see on TV are degreed meteorologists, but be careful because there are some that claim to be "meteorologists," even though they only completed online classes through Mississippi State.

Anonymous said...

Rob Thorson and Steve Poitras, former Channel 4 weather anchor, preceded Tom.

Anonymous said...

Any news on Sue?

Anonymous said...

No idea who Sue Dvorack is...

Anonymous said...

Sue ran with Cliff Coss.

Anonymous said...

Broadcast meteorology is cut-throat. One reason why I never went into that area. There's no such thing as job security in the tv studio.

Anonymous said...

Marathons? Triahlons?

(Anonymous said...
Sue ran with Cliff Coss.)

Anonymous said...

Don't know about the Tom Buning thing whether the above statements are fact or not. But not knowing that, how can you say whether UND handled it poorly or not. Seem to me people are operating out of rumor by not giving UND the benefit of the doubt while the facts are still unknown.

Anonymous said...

Dracula opens tonight at the Fire Hall Theatre. Check it out at

Anonymous said...

Did anybody see the BCBS story in The Herald today?

Playing politics with healthcare...not cool!!!!

Anonymous said...

Has the new hotel at Engelstad Arena been announced yet? My mother, who works at UND, said she heard that Mariott has signed on? Anyone else hear this or just a rumor?

Anonymous said...

My verizon phone has Vcast available now here in Grand Forks, pretty cool to see Verizon finally get that out here in the boonies.

Anonymous said...

I saw that BCBS thing, pretty interesting. I wonder about other insurance carriers...

Interesting that we finally have Vcast around here! However my Verizon bill is high enough already without paying for Vcast

Anonymous said...

I have heard from a reliable source that Mariott is planning on breaking ground by the Ralph in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or is crime skyrocketing in the area? I guess since our community leaders do such a great job of keeping wages low, what we get is higher crime rates.

Anonymous said...

BCBS isn't playing politics with healthcare.(!!!!) They are keeping costs down. And hopefully your premiums.

Anonymous said...

Thank you BCBS representative.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't competition drive costs down?

Anonymous said...

Doesn't competition drive costs down?

Anonymous said...

That's BCBS B.S.! They can agree to pay hospitals/doctors a certain amount for procedures regardless of where they are performed. How does that drive up costs?

Anonymous said...

what is Vcast? I have it on my phone but don't touch it. Will it cost me?

Anonymous said...

yeah, it still bugs me that as a BCBS member, i don't (won't) have a choice to go to altru or aurora.

i *could* choose meritcare as my epo alternative, but that involves driving to fargo for anything other than visiting a family practicioner in EGF...something i'm not thrilled about doing in the wintertime.

oh, and btw, i don't have anything against altru, necessarily...just not comfortable with the lack of choice and competition in this healthcare market

Anonymous said...

"yeah, it still bugs me that as a BCBS member, i don't (won't) have a choice to go to altru or aurora."

Seem like collusion isn't limited to GF gas stations.

Anonymous said...

Sigh...your radio dial has changed again.

The Rooster 94.7 which played classic country music has moved to 1590 AM, which used to be KCNN talk radio.

94.7 is now "Power 94.7", playing exclusively classic rock. Not mixing it in with new rock like KJ108, and no oldies mixed in like what 96.1 The Fox does.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I notice the talk jocks are all gone.

Anonymous said...

About those gas stations...

How come no one can demand an honest account for the obviously inflated prices at the pumps in Grand Forks?

Everyone simply smiles.

Anonymous said...

OK, you go ahead and demand it. Let us know how that goes.

Anonymous said...

:o) I deserved that reply. Stupid question.

Damn. One would think the two outlaws that more or less decide what they can get by with would have at least a small bit of conscience.

Anonymous said...

I saw a Power 94.7 and Rooster 1590 ad in the Herald today.

Anonymous said...

How nice. I saw an ad for Eide Auto.

Anonymous said...

man, you both sound like you had fun-filled days...

GrandForksGuy said...

I was watching DAZ last night and I simply have to ask...

Why air a story about the dedication of UND's newest student housing complex but only include shots of the sign in front of the building, the street sign at the intersection near the building, and a stone wall behind Kupchella as he stood and talked to the crowd? Since this story was supposed to be all about this brand new building, why not actually show the building? A couple of shots of the outside of the building and a shot or two of the lobby would have been nice. Without actually showing the building, the story seemed a little pointless...

Anonymous said...

How has crime increased? We got robbed last Friday, I am just wondering if it is by the same people and the cops didn't help us much.

Anonymous said...


Exactly, and didn't the same thing happen at the grand opening of the Canad Inn? Maybe their highly sophisticated camera could only focus on items that were nearby. The good camera was being used to film someone's cat.

Anonymous said...

Ah! What to do in boring ol' GFKS?
Lessee...John Behling Trio @ ND Museum of Art,Still Fighting It feat. Jarrod Schell @ Sanders 1907, tonight...Andrea Gullickson, Walhalla native performing with the GGFSO at the Empire Saturday and Sunday...Prudence Johnson (AND Dan Chouinard) at Mayville State on Saturday...performances of DRACULA at the Firehall...Johnny Holm at Silverman Square (if I may be so bold)...The Gear Daddies at the Fritz...just to name a few things going on.

Ah! To be young again! :o)

Anonymous said...

Leighton is still trying to hit the target. The new format on The Rooster is boring already. At least they've started to realize that talk radio is no longer where it's at, on the AM side.

Thank goodness for 90.1 and 90.7 in the Valley.

Anonymous said...

please don't be so bold. Ugh.

Still Fighting It said...

Thanks for the almost-plug, Charlie! :)

There certainly is a lot going on lately. If any of you stop by Sanders tonight, come say hi - I'll be the dude on the piano.

Anonymous said...

WDAZ is such a joke....can't they spend some money on some current technology? That studio is hilarious....straight out of the 80's, and when I saw that they have a big screen TV in the background showing pictures of the stories they're talking about instead of using a graphic i seriously laughed out loud. Come on, KVLY and KX4 (yes i realize they are ran by the same people) have modern looking newscasts, why does WDAZ have to look like it has the quality of a high school journalism club newscast?

Still Fighting It said...

McNabb, you make a better quarterback than a critic.

Big-screens are more of a '90's thing and 'DAZ is about as small-market as you can get. What do you expect?

Anonymous said...

IF we all realize how "small-town" DAZ looks and acts, why can't they? Matt, do you think you're unsophistictated because you live in a small town? Surely not. We all have access to the same media, books, films, etc. It's not just about better equipment and up-to-date sets and graphics, although that would help.

Anonymous said...

Just because BCBS doesn't have a contract with the hospitial doesn't mean you can't go to Aurora. It just means that you will pay more out of pocket because you will be out of network. When I made the decisions in regards to my BCBS I chose to already pay more because I didn't want to lock into Altru as an EPO so regardless I still pay more.

Still Fighting It said...

Anon - I'm a little confused by your post. Regardless - it's less about culture, sophistication, and equipment than it is about money.

I've had a few friends that have worked at 'DAZ over the years - producers, directors, camerapersons - they get paid like crap and have to use hand-me-down equipment.

I don't think it's because management is hording the money or anything, it's just that the 'DAZ is a very small-market subsidiary of a small-market station.

Small market = low revenue = tighter budget. That kind of thing.

Coffee Guy said...

mattfacingsouth, I plan to stop by the museum tonight to say "Hi." What are you doing Saturday night? *hint hint*

Still Fighting It said...

Coffee Guy: "What are you doing Saturday night? *hint hint*"

I lol'd.

I dunno, Saturday night depends on if my wife is going hunting on Sunday morning (I can't due to the Northwood Benefit). If she is she'll be out of town and I won't have a "curfew," if you get my drift.

But yeah, stop by and say hi at the museum - we play from 7:30-8:30. Have you heard John Behling play? He's a monster (that's a good thing for those not in the know). See you then!

Anonymous said...

Anon - I don't get it. I thought any certified hospital could participate in BCBS as long as they agreed to be paid at a stipulated rate for treatments and procedures.

Anonymous said...


I just think a little creativity goes a long way when a station is underfunded or serves a small viewership. That creativity, in part, comes from monitoring the cultural references I mentioned. I mean, when it comes down to relatively inexpensive things like graphics and bumpers, they could "borrow" a few ideas from larger stations and markets.

Anonymous said...

"mattfacingsouth" note that I said that the studio was out of the 80s and i kept that separate from the big screen tv comment. I fully realize big screen TVs weren't around in the 1980's thank you. I couldn't care less how much money they have to spend, that will not stop me from laughing at how low quality it is. That thing in the background with the river could probably sell for $10 at a garage sale.

I mean come on, UND's Studio One looks better than WDAZ. One good thing to come out of WDAZ is this hilarious report on "Emo" earlier this year:

Anonymous said...

"How has crime increased? We got robbed last Friday, I am just wondering if it is by the same people and the cops didn't help us much."

That should all change when the police get their new training facility, yeah right!

Anonymous said...

Breaking news> Gas and fuel shortage in the area. Farmers will have problems bringing in harvest. Semi trucks out till Oct. We had to go to St Paul for tanker load. Harvest may be shut down. Stay tuned. greenglass4.

Anonymous said...

i wouldnt bring my dog to altru!

Anonymous said...

Hey-exclamation point person. You've made your point about Altru-on several different threads. I would guess you either used to have a job there and lost it or you owe the place money. Move on.

Anonymous said...

This exclamation person is not the same that posts on others I have never posted on any site about Altru until today. Also I do not or have not had a job there nor do I owe them money. The dumbass Doctors at Altru have almost killed my brother and therefore I'll post whatever I feel about them.

Anonymous said...

Is it amazing to you that more than on person has had a bad experience at Altru? C'mon. I know many people that are more than greatful that Aurora is coming to town.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

On the topic of WDAZ; I've seen much worse coverage in other parts of the country. The staff, while young, seems to get the big stories right and they have enough veterans to guide them along. Yea, the set is a bit of a joke, but I agree with the person who said the station probably just doesn't have the money to do much more. I'd rather get a majority of Grand Forks news than watch a Fargo station that does one or two GF stories in a day. If you need graphics and a nice set to enjoy a newscast, so be it, but I'll take Channel 8 any day over the alternative which is our news coming entirely from Fargo!

Anonymous said...

Amen to the above post. I don't place a lot of value on the set, reporters hairstyles or clothing. I occasionally watch the other three channels (usually when I can't find the remote) and while they sometimes have a more polished newscast, I appreciate stories in the GF/EGF area more. I wish some WDAZ reporters had a better delivery of the stories. There are a few who can't provide a one minute story without stumbling.

Anonymous said...


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Happy new years!

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